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    The Economist 結果共8筆

  • Joseph Wu: Taiwan documenting China’s election meddling

    Taiwan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joseph Wu, has written a column for The Economist discussing Taiwan’s efforts to document and analyze potential Chinese interference in Taiwanese elections. The results of this research will be published after the election. Wu emphasizes the international impact of the Taiwanese election and the importance of addressing authoritarian interference in democratic nations and maintaining international order.
    2024/01/04 15:02
  • 「台灣戰貓」蕭美琴:台灣像貓咪 溫暖可愛但惹不起

    經濟學人雜誌(The Economist)今(14日)刊登民進黨副總統候選人蕭美琴的專訪及人物特寫,以「蕭美琴是台灣的戰貓」為標題介紹她的豐富經歷、穩健領導性格,其中除了敘述她與地方政治的濃厚連結,也強調她擔任駐美代表期間的「戰貓」作風贏得許多美方友人的支持。蕭美琴說,身為貓奴,她認為貓咪討喜又靈活,能在微妙的空間中保持平衡,只要尊重與善待,貓咪也願意以溫暖來回報善意,「台灣就像貓咪,我們可以溫暖可愛,但我們惹不起。」
    2023/12/14 15:24
  • DPP’s Lai unveils video, stresses global Taiwan role

    The campaign office of Lai Ching-te, Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) presidential candidate, has released a new video titled "Taiwan in the world," highlighting Taiwan’s reduced dependence on China and its increasing global recognition. Pan Men-an, head of the DPP’s campaign headquarters, expressed concern over opposition parties’ attempts to marginalize Taiwan and emphasized the significance of the 2024 election in determining Taiwan’s alignment with either the world or China. The video emphasizes Taiwan’s democratic development through international engagement and value-based diplomacy, while also strengthening ties with other nations. Lai’s campaign office spokesperson, Tai Wei-shan, pointed out that Taiwan’s trade dependence on China decreased from 40 percent during former President Ma Ying-jeou’s presidency to 34 percent. Additionally, a report by The Economist in August stated that under President Tsai Ing-wen’s seven-year rule, Taiwan has become the 21st largest economy globally, surpassing South Korea in terms of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. Lai’s campaign office underscores the importance of the 2024 election in shaping Taiwan’s future trajectory and urges the public to make the right choice.
    2023/12/12 21:21
  • Lai Ching-te’s campaign unveils ’World’s Taiwan’ commercial

    Lai Ching-te’s national campaign headquarters, led by campaign manager Pan Men-an and spokesperson Tai Wei-shan, unveiled their latest campaign commercial during a press conference titled "The World’s Taiwan." Tai highlighted Taiwan’s increased visibility on the international stage, emphasizing the international community’s growing confidence in Taiwan and their willingness to collaborate. The campaign event follows Taiwan’s recognition as the top democracy in Asia by The Economist and its 6th place ranking in competitiveness worldwide according to the IMD Business School’s 2023 World Competitiveness Yearbook. Taiwan’s economic standing as the 21st largest economy globally and the 18th largest trading nation, with a higher GDP per capita than South Korea, was also praised. The campaign video emphasizes the importance of selecting the right leader to continue Taiwan’s advancement towards a more significant global presence.
    2023/12/12 13:43
  • 唱紅耶誕名曲!大咖靠一首歌「不工作每年爽賺7千萬」

    每到12月,大街小巷都充滿濃濃的過節氣氛,許多商家也都會播放聖誕歌曲應景。其中由瑪麗亞凱莉(Mariah Carey)於1994年推出的〈All I Want For Christmas Is You〉,在全球傳唱了28年,至今仍是不敗神曲,尤其每到12月,這首歌就會重新衝上告示牌排行榜冠軍。「經濟學人」(The Economist)近期就估算,瑪麗亞凱莉光是靠這首歌,每年的版稅收入就高達250萬美金(約7669萬新台幣),而這還不包含她因此接受商演的附加收入。
    2022/12/21 23:13
  • 登經濟學人特輯封面 蔡總統:台灣受世界高度關注

    經濟學人(The Economist)談2023年趨勢的特輯封面,將總統蔡英文與美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)及許多世界的領導人放在一起;總統表示,這代表台灣在各方面的表現、台灣人民的努力,受到世界高度的關注。
    2022/11/16 23:36
  • 經濟學人記者港簽被拒 北京否認香港國安法影響

    針對經濟學人(The Economist )駐香港記者黃淑琳(Sue-Lin Wong)續簽香港工作簽證被拒,中國外交部發言人趙立堅指香港國安法實施後,在港媒體享新聞自由,且當地外媒人數不減反增。
    2021/11/16 16:55
  • 霧煞煞「中華台北」是什麼?《經濟學人》這樣解釋

    因為長久以來的政治問題,使得我國參與不少國際賽事與國際活動時,都只能以「中華台北」(Chinese Taipei)名義出席,甚至有許多國際組織,台灣更是完全無法參加。而「中華台北」一詞,也讓不少外國人霧煞煞,因此《經濟學人》(The Economist)就特別撰文介紹何謂「中華台北」,及台灣的外交現況。
    2018/04/10 20:57
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